Library Blog


International Conference: Book Presence in a Digital Age

Het departement Media- en Cultuurwetenschappen van de faculteit Geesteswetenschappen organiseert op 28, 29 en 30 mei a.s. de internationale conferentie Book Presence in a Digital Age. Uit de aankondiging:

This conference is devoted to books and paper as bodies of literature and self-writing in a digital age. If books have been marginalized by screens, pads, and other book imitators,what is happening to literature as a paper art? How have books and paper been re-imagined in the last decades in their creative contrast to electronic screens? How can we thus compare the interactions between “old” and “new” media in the present to media ecologies of the past?
Met een keur aan interessante sprekers. Inschrijven is voor alle belangstellenden mogelijk!

3 reacties to “International Conference: Book Presence in a Digital Age”

    • joostvangemert1

      Sorry, sorry, sorry, mensen: die conferentie was al in mei 2012…… Dat krijg je ervan met al die informatie op internet!


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