
NWO – the impact factor paradox
[January 11, 2017: update added at the end of the post] While there are many reasons not to use the journal impact factor (IF) for the assessment of individual research articles, researchers or research groups, its use for this purpose is still widespread, particularly in the sciences. Members of all parties involved (researchers, research institutions…
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De open access consumentenbond
Zoals overal waar geld verdiend kan worden, zijn er ook in het open access veld kapers op de kust. In de afgelopen 10 jaar zijn er tal van partijen opgestaan die het open access uitgeefmodel – waarbij de auteur moet betalen voor publicatie van zijn/haar artikel – misbruiken, met als enig doel om geld te…
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Open Access journals refreshed by Utrecht University Library
Utrecht University Library Open Access Journals , or Uopen Journals, provides a publishing platform for ambitious researchers or editorial boards (Utrecht University related) that wish to publish an online open access journal. On a daily basis the publishing team offers advice and support to editorial boards regarding various publishing processes, online marketing, and open access…
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